Care Instructions

Treatment instructions are essential for the perfect healing of the tattoo. If you don’t treat the tattoo as it says here – you are endangering the tattoo and yourself with irreversible damage. Every tattoo artist will remove his guarantee in cases such as these. And…yeah, a professional tattoo artist can see whether you’re to blame […]

How Do I Pick a Tattoo Artist?

Never pick a tattoo artist by: a close location to where you live, cheap prices, the nice ad he put in the paper, or just because he’s a good friend of your sister… There are loads of great tattoo artists around the globe, as well as a bigger number of amateur tattoo artists. The two […]

How Do I Pick a Tattoo?

It’s advised to come to the studio twice. The first time to choose the tattoo, and get professional advice, and only after you’ve gotten ideas or found your tattoo and “slept on it” – set up an appointment and do it. It’s very important that you choose the tattoo by yourself. You can get recommendations […]

Does it Hurt?

Getting a tattoo can be a bit unpleasant. Sometimes even a bit painful. The sensation while getting a tattoo is affected by a number of factors: Type of tattoo: Most people sense the lines more than the fill-ins. The thickness of the lines also effects the sensation, and the thinner the line is – the […]

Is it Dangerous?

A famous saying is that when you get a tattoo – you get “hooked” and keep getting more and more tattoos… But that’s only true if you thoroughly have read the article “How do I pick a tattoo artist?” and implemented it. A tattoo artist, which isn’t professional enough, will endanger your health. Countless viruses […]

How Much Does it Cost?

The price of a tattoo is set according to the tattoo artist’s estimate of the amount and the difficulty of the work he’s expecting. Some tattoo artists have a set tariff, of which they charge by the hour. The price is affected by several factors: The size of the tattoo: The bigger the tattoo – […]

How Long Does it Take?

There are faster and slower tattoo artists, each one works at his own rate, and that doesn’t mean that if he’s fast – he is necessarily better. Sometimes a fast tattoo artist will turn out to be sloppy… Never rush the tattoo artist, and don’t stress him for time. Come with patience, or, even better, […]

What is the Minimum Age to Get a Tattoo?

From a medical point of view, you can get a tattoo even if you’re 5 years old, except that your body would have to grow significantly, and as it is growing – the tattoo will be damaged. If you are, lets say 13, you are still going to grow, but not in such a significant […]

How Do I Behave Before Getting a Tattoo?

As I’ve explained in previous articles, a tattoo is a – medically – simple procedure, and if you’re getting it done by a professional tattoo artist – does not pose any health risk. None the less, there is a psychological aspect. A lot of you are probably nervous or stressed out before getting tattooed, which […]

Any Regrets?

It’s best, of course, not to get into this situation in the first place, and to think long and hard before choosing a tattoo and/or a tattoo artist, but if for some reason you are not satisfied with your tattoo – you have three options:   Fixing or renovating: In some cases, a tattoo that […]